
November 03, 2014

How To Dominate Mobile Marketing

Some of the mobile marketing facts:

  • Statistics say that 1 out of every 5 people own a smartphone and the number of smart phone users is said to reach 1.75 Billion in 2014.
  • A study says that 83 percent of internet usage happens from mobile phones.
  • Small businesses have started to realize the importance of mobile marketing as you can see: 73 percent conduct social media marketing. 71 percent conduct email marketing.
  • 66 percent of small business owners use mobile technology.

Why mobile marketing

By this data we mean to convey the significance of influencing your customers through mobile marketing.  As most of the consumers use mobile and internet and rely on the same for searches and networking, it would be a wise decision to capture some of the web traffic and turn some of the visitors into clients/customers.

So, here we throw some light on “mobile marketing” and how to utilise the power of it for expanding your business.

How to dominate mobile marketing?

  • Path to purchase should have lesser steps

Maintaining your audience is as important as attracting them to your website. When it comes to using a mobile, the small screen already might be itchy to a user’s eye, hence they tend to prefer it the easy way. And you do not want to ruin their visit by giving them upteen things to fill up before they finally buy a product from you.

Thus shortening the steps to a purchase is a great way to enhance user experience and to keep them visiting your page more often.  Manage your download, sign-in, sign-up that is user-friendly, appealing and easy to use.

  • Concentrate on Local

Most web users make a search of the things that are nearest to them and the things that are best in market. They rely on their phones for quick answers and easy solutions.

According to a study by comScore, nearly half of smartphone and tablet owners are using apps to find local information. Offer the users what they want and they will be more than happy.

  • Do not bug the traffic with unwanted things

A we told before, it is important to please your customers and that they will be more than happy if they receive what  they desire.  Unwanted ads can be okay if the user is a real fan of your product. But in case he isn't he wouldn't bother visiting  your site again or even worse, he wouldn't even bother to wait for a glance of your site.

  • Make your content clear and straight-forward

The content shouldn't drown in the website as you try to make your website all saucy. The content should be very much visible and should come handy to the user. Remember, you provide something of value to each customer of yours. Make your design sleek.

  • Do not undervalue analytics

As a digital marketing agency, analytics is the DNA of  campaign implementation and strategy. The purpose is to test, analyze, optimize, and repeat. Do not rely on your instincts. Use data to uncover the insights needed to increase mobile performance.

Consider tools such as Google and Bing Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics for reports as they can take your marketing strategy to the next level. Optimize your mobile and make your site mobile-friendly as it is all a part of mobile marketing.

  • Mobile site or responsive design?

Once a debate was raised between the marketing and IT departments regarding this.  Google and Bing's official recommendation is a responsive web design, which ensures that your website adapts according to the size of the browser.

  • Instead of managing mobile and desktop URL, handle a single site.
  • Not only will a responsive site help you drive more conversions, but it will unify your SEO strategy rather than managing distinct SEO strategies.
  • Responsive sites will often result in a shorter load-time for users, as search engines will need to detect and redirect a mobile-specific site before it renders the content.

For more insights into marketing and digital strategies, reach out to us-

Hope you have a great day ahead! Cheers!