Here’s how Ittisa can help!
Reels or revering ads; if your brand has a story to be told, a product to be featured, or your customers to be reflected through your video content, we manage everything from production to promotions.
We believe good video marketing campaigns are clear, witty, well-produced, and keenly targeted. That’s how we aim to create effective, culturally relevant, and conversion or connection-focused video marketing campaigns from production to promotions.WE ARE A
Impact on Brands

- 1200+Videos Created
- 10XBetter View Rate
- 6XBetter Retention
- 2.5XHigher conversions
- 2XGreater Brand Loyalty
What makes the people of the internet happier than cute dog videos? The correct answer would be – “a lot of them!”. So, to build awareness and establish brand trust around our dog care brand, Dogsee – we produced and distributed persona-defining videos, interest-based reels, celebrity testimonial videos, brand origin story videos, and much more! Soon, Dogsee became the first choice pet care partner for 50M+ pet parents globally.
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Himalayan Natives
Invited the conscious consumer to become a part of the Himalayan Natives family with emotion stirring and informative video series demonstrating the brand’s philosophy, a winning collaboration with Royal Challengers Banglore, and food recipes and inspirations.
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ITC Master Chef
We conceptualized, scripted, produced, and edited engaging recipe videos for the brand to highlight product USPs and ease of use. We demonstrated the use of their RTE products and distributed them across channels driven by the search and gained massive engagement.
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KLF Nirmal VCO
Took KLF’s Nirmal VCO range from the households in Kerala to be a pan-Indian choice for virgin coconut oil. To achieve the same, we created a range of videos ranging from DIYs to benefit showcases across categories of use in consideration of the targeted audience’s needs like beauty, consumption, and baby health.
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