
April 19, 2019

3 Important Marketing Strategy Tips for an Organic Brand

According to a report by Assocham and Ernst & Young, “the organic product market in India is growing at a CAGR of 25% and is expected to touch 12,000 crores by 2020.” With more and more emerging health-focused brands, organic brands have indeed been successful in making a mark in consumer minds. However, in order to gain mainstream popularity, they have had to work really hard to stand out from regular products. Initially starting with educating people by distinguishing benefits to adopting the latest marketing strategies, organic brands always need to work one notch higher for desired results in India. Through integrated marketing campaigns, engaging contests, crisp content marketing and the right promotions, organic brands have been able to successfully make a mark in the food industry and if trends are to be believed, they may soon rule the industry. There are three major aspects to consider while working on your marketing strategy if you have an organic brand -

1. Differentiate your product

10 years ago, your organic product may have been the only option for consumers in a particular sector. However, at present, this market is growing at a fast pace. So, if you want to stand out, it is very important to differentiate your products from those of your competitors. Your target audience should have a clear picture of what you have to offer, and how that is exclusive from your competitors. For example, the newly launched organic ghee brand Himalayan Natives talk about their product uniqueness everywhere - from packaging to social media. The brand’s USP of ‘ghee from free-range grass-fed cows in the Himalayas is highlighted so that people know what to expect from the brand. [caption id="attachment_11430" align="alignnone" width="500"]Product Labeling in Marketing Strategy Source: Twitter[/caption]

2. Authentic storytelling is a must

“Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell.” Stories are indeed a great way to captivate the mind of your audience, but only if it’s honest enough. Stories are perceived differently by the audience compared to normal marketing. Giving the brand a human touch and making personal communication with your audience can help you put across your message more effectively. Stories can be of two types - brand-based and user experiences. When it comes to brand-based, your audience may just not want to know about your organic process, but how you also work for sustainability or to make the world a better place. Take the example of the renowned organic pet food brand Dogsee Chew. The brand not only produces 100% natural human-grade treats for dogs but has also been working with 7000+ farmers in the rural Himalayas to bring about a positive change in 150+ villages. Apart from that it also talks about animal rights to make the world a better and safer place for dogs. [caption id="attachment_11431" align="alignnone" width="500"]storytelling in marketing Source: Facebook[/caption] User experience stories are about marketing your product by using customer feedback. It serves to be more reliable, adds credibility to the product and encourages people to try it themselves. [caption id="attachment_11432" align="alignnone" width="500"]user experience in marketing Source: Facebook[/caption]

3. Expand your target audience

As the focus of consumers is shifting towards healthy living, targeting only your core audience can be a disadvantage. Proper segmentation of the audience and communicating with them is very important. Ensure that the way you communicate with your core consumers is different from the way you talk to a potential audience. Take the example of the brand Organic India. Their social media communications talk to two different types of audience - first those who are already living a healthy life and second those need encouragement to go organic. organic India marketing strategyorganic India marketing strategy target audience Source: Facebook   Organic foods are in high demand, and every day new products and brands are entering the market to meet consumer expectations. Branding and marketing your product in such a market can be challenging, but the right strategy can help you carve a niche in this segment. To know more about how to market your organic business, leave us a message and we’ll get back to you!